SIDEFAME LTD was established in 1987 as the retail subsidiary of FENIX GROUP HOLDINGS LTD. Headquartered in Hong Kong, SIDEFAME operates retail stores in Hong Kong, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The Company markets a range of fashion and lifestyle brands around the region, through joint venture and franchise agreements.

SIDEFAME represents a growing portfolio of exclusive labels and is the main force behind the Milan-based label ANTEPRIMA, founded in the year 1993 by Izumi Ogino. Designed for a woman of all seasons: Intelligent, confident, feminine and joyful, ANTEPRIMA is a total lifestyle brand with collections of woven, knitwear, handbags, shoes, small leather goods as well as 12 licensed collections, each perfectly refined to channel a woman’s worldly sophistication.


One of the materials ANTEPRIMA works with is an exclusive wire manufactured in Italy, crafted in a wide range of colors and hand knitted into wire bags that gleam with just a hint of light. Since its debut in 1998, ANTEPRIMA WIREBAG has evolved into a stand-alone diffusion line and fashion icon status.


In 1994, SIDEFAME LTD introduced Paris-based avant-garde Japanese designer ATSURO TAYAMA’s main collection as well as his original and girlish diffusion line A.T to Hong Kong. Today, both of the designer’s labels have successfully built up a very loyal clientele in Hong Kong as well as in major Chinese cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, to name a few.


As a further diversification to the Company’s business, a select shop COCKTAIL was launched in 2002, bringing together handful of young and up-coming designers sourced from around the globe. COCKTAIL La Mode was also opened in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen in the last quarter of 2010.


45R, a Japanese brand that has been committed to producing the most refined yet tasteful garments that offer genuine handcrafted details and Indigo hand dyed techniques since 1978, was launched in October 2008, following Tokyo, Paris, New York, with Beijing to follow in 2011.


Marimekko, the Finnish textile and clothing design house renowned for its bold prints and colours, opened its first store in Hong Kong in May 2012. Founded in 1951, the array of Marimekko design embraces household products from furnishing fabrics to tableware as well as clothing, bags and other accessories for people of all ages. The first Hong Kong store is located in Causeway Bay and through its unparalleled patterns and unique identity, has been gathering fashion lovers and tastemakers alike.


The Little Shop (TLS), embracing vintage and nature’s treasures, is where you will find in Hong Kong a thoughtful curation of exquisite jewelry, artwork, artisanal accessories and lifestyle ideas. Each soulful object is characterized by its own story and fine craftsmanship to get you inspired. Dedicatedly hand-picked from expeditions to selective ateliers across the globe, we aim to nurture the one-of-a-kind collection by all the finer things in life, fulfilling everyday living and festive occasions with wonder and delight. Be ready to impress your beloved ones and yourself with this delectable find.




西彥有限公司除匯集了多個獨家經營的高級時裝/配飾品牌外,同時也是設計師荻野泉(Izumi Ogino)於1993年創立的意大利品牌ANTEPRIMA背後的原動力。




在眾多ANTEPRIMA的產品中,ANTEPRIMA WIREBAG採用由意大利精製的專屬資訊物料製成。不同色系絲編織成一線微光就能夠閃耀的輕盈WIREBAG。 ANTEPRIMA WIREBAG甫於1998年推出已瞬即成為潮流之選,每季均推出不同款式,經典又時尚。時代女性攜著她們閃亮的WIREBAG穿梭都會,高貴卻又不失玩味,可說是高科技與精湛手工揉合的經典。


1994年,西彥有限公司把建基於巴黎的日本前衛品牌Atsuro Tayama及其副線AT帶到香港,成為一時佳話。時至今日,Atsuro Tayama及AT均已成為獨當一面的品牌,除了在香港獲忠實擁躉支持外,於內地的主要城市如上海、北京、杭州也有不少捧場客。


為令公司業務更多元化,西彥有限公司於2002年開設專門店COCKTAIL,挑選新晉設計師的時裝及搜羅獨特的精品,迎合懂得享受生活的新世代女性。 2010年下旬,COCKTAIL以COCKTAIL LA MODE之名進軍內地市場,於上海、北京及深圳開設分店。


始於1978年來自日本的45R,向來以一絲不苟的認真態度,生產注重傳統人手工藝的優質服飾。其中的Indigo藍染色技術更是最為人津津樂道。 2008年於香港開設專門店,在巴黎及紐約設有分店,並於2011年開設北京的第一間概念店。


芬蘭布藝、服裝、家品設計品牌MARIMEKKO,以大膽的圖案及色彩繽紛的印花布料為世界各地人士所喜愛,於2012年5月由西彥有限公司引進香港。 MARIMEKKO成立於1951年,為當時戰後灰暗的世界添上快樂色彩。首家店鋪登陸銅鑼灣,旋即成為一眾品味人士的集中地。


The Little Shop精心匯聚一系列工藝細膩的珠寶飾品、手工配飾,藝術及生活設計作品,希望透過搜羅各地獨特設計將經典事物與大自然最美好的一瞬定格呈現,為生活注入時光的溫度。由工匠巧妙製作的精品,每個細節都訴說其箇中故事,誘發無限想像;The Little Shop致力訪遍全球精品工作坊,將一切美好的事物網羅其中,孕育出獨一無二的系列,為每個生活時刻帶來驚喜快樂。無論贈送摯愛或盡情寵愛自己,都可從The Little Shop尋獲不同獨有驚喜選擇,隨時為生活添上幸福印記。